Saturday, May 22, 2010

Colorado... *SIGH*

Here's a few pictures from Colorado.. Maybe if I see enough pics where it was cold, maybe I'll GET cold.

There were little pretty flowers EVERYwhere...

There were lovely little random streams flowing through some of the valleys.. The only streams we have down here is when you let all the water out of your pool.

Such a beautiful view... But it was slightly hard to breath.. Actually, it was pretty hard to.. You would walk like five feet and be out of breath. WHEW.

There were MAGPIES there too:):) TOOO cool... but they could get slightly annoying.. By the noises that they made. But their prettyness made up for it!!

If you walked a little bit from the place that we were staying, THIS was the view that you gotta see...

And the trees were somethin' else.. SOOOO pretty!!

Ok, so some people say this looks like a BEEHIVE...? Hmmmmm......;)

Huh, and I thought that our White-tailed deer were big.

She decided that she wanted a close-up taken. It was sooooooo amazing to be able to be so close to a wild Elk like that.:):)

Ahhh... Does this NEED words???

YES, this IS Colorado.. But inside a veeeery neat-o candy factory..

WHOOooo... Scary scary... actually it was.. A big black bug flew in my hair, and I went crazy.. Not a good thing to do when you are  that high up..


And then it was FINALLY time to put our coats on, AND PLAY IN THE SNNNOOOWWW!!!

This was a track in the snow... I tried to figure out what it was.. But no luck:(

So if any of ya'll were feeling hot today, maybe these pictures cooled yah off!!!!

P.S. I wanna go back to Colorado!!! :


Rathi said...

WOW!!!! Oh Lydia i loved it..... so beautiful and tempting pics..... The cake.. my o my.... I am just drooling over it... Enjoy...i wish i could got to Colorado...

LydiaRose~ said...

THANKS Ratz!!!! It was DEFFINITLY worth the trip!! The cake was simply DEVIIIIIIIIINE!!!!