Sunday, December 26, 2010


We went to my sister Sara's house all last week.. We left on Monday at around 4:50 in the morning... I'm not a morning person.. especially at 4:50 in the morning.
But I slept after we were in the car for two hours..
I thought we were going through Houston, and since I LOVE Houston, I didn't want to miss it.. but we didn't go through it, so I stayed up for nothing. :|
But ANYway... We had a lot of fun there... :)

 Sweet little Amelia Lanette
Mister serious blue eyes

 This is probably about the cutest picture ever.
 I really like taking pictures with Evelyn.. :)

 Oldest child----Youngest Child  :)
 I love my Wawa.
Barely got this picture.. he pulled away right after it flashed..

 ♥the mother and the baby♥
She could really yawn quite big for a newborn... *YAAAAWWWWWWWWNNNNN*
By the way, her nickname is Milly... :)

The last day we were there, I played ball with Evelyn for probably about an hour and a half.. and it was COLD outside.. liiiiikeeee... 30 something.. and I know to all you people who live in frozen states, think that ain't cold, but to our melted states, it's FREEEEEZING. (br)
 Don't lay up-side-down for too long... you start getting light-headed.. and then you have a head ache.. and that ain't very fun.

So yeppers... WE had a pretty awesome time..

and it is 39 degrees here right now. BRRRness. Our poor cats outside are probably frozen by now.. :(
(its 62 degrees in our house.. our heater is broke. :( )